On 5th of October, 2019 Pak Astronomers organized their annual event based on the "International Observe the Moon Night" celebrations held around the globe. PAS joined thousands of other socities, groups,, and astronomy clubs frm around the globe in recognizing the importance of observing our celestial partner and neighbour.
More than 50 people attended the event that was held in the Central Park of Islamabad (F-9 Park), Pakistan. The public event was advertised using the materials provided by NASA at their IOTMN websites.
We are proud to say that Pak Astronomers held two events this space week. On the 8th of October, we organized as event with the support of a local school where more than 100 children viewed the moon upclose for the first time through the lense of a telescope!
Pak Astronomers is the leading astronomy club operating in Islamabad, Pakistan and has members from all over the country. We frequently hold observation sessions, talks, workshops and engagement events and work towards astronomy awareness in the country.
#observethemoon #iotmn2019 #nasa #space #astronomy #islamabad