On 27th October 2018, Pak Astronomers Islamabad collaborated with the students of Govt College Sarwar Shaheed, Gujar Khan and organized a planetary observation session in Gujar Khan, a sub-urban city on the outskirts of Islamabad. The city is located roughly 80KM (50 Miles) outside of Islamabad, and as its not a major city of the country, the quality of education and opportunities are limited. Pak Astronomers took along its three telescopes and were delighted as the students had amassed in great numbers. At least 500 students looked at the planets Saturn and Jupiter for the first time through a telescope and it was a completely mesmerizing experience not only for the students but for Pak Astronomers Team members as well.
Later in the evening, the participants were awed by the sublime beauty of the Seven Sisters (Pleades) open star cluster.